Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls is not your regular RPG with a very unique MP aspect. It has that classic dungeon crawler aspect where you have to complete each section in one sitting. You need to be in this game careful because if you die, you start back in the beginning with all enemies re-spawned and without the souls (the game's currency) you have acquired. You get the choice to play either in human form or soul form. You have less HP in souls form which could make things more difficult but if you choose to play in human form, your game gets harder. It's definitely not a game you can rush your way through.

I've owned Demon's Souls for a little over a year now and didn't really gotten into in until recently. When I first started playing it, I tried to rush through the first level and learned real quick that you need to take your time in this game. After many tries, I just couldn't complete the first level. I would keep dying and only got irritated because of that fact. I ended up putting Demon's Souls to the side for a while so I could cool down. When I picked it back up I kept in mind that I need to go slowly, that helped a lot. I was able to finally beat the first real boss in the game and that gave me some hope.

After finding out that an online friend had Demon's Souls as well, I wanted to try out the MP aspect of the game. In Demon's Souls you'll see white phantoms running through your game from time to time. Those are other players that are in soul form in their game. When someone dies, you see a bloodstain and that shows you how that person died so you can possibly learn from that. The way the MP works in this game is that someone needs to be in human form in order to summon another player. That player then comes into your game as a Blue Phantom and can help you out. The level will only count as completed for the person in human form but the Blue Phantom does get half of the souls earned through out the level. The only downside is that while in human form your game can be invaded by a Black Phantom that can kill you or even go after the Blue Phantom in your game and take their souls. Some people like to play PvP and summon Red Phantoms to fight.

Once you complete the game, you can start a NG+ with all the souls and equipment you had in your previous game as well as the level you ended with. This doesn't make your game easier since the difficulty goes up with each game completion. I ended up being level 158 by time I got my platinum but the level cap is 712. I can only imagine how difficult the game must be at that level.

Once I had a friend to play with on a regular basis, we kept getting more and more trophies. By the time we reached 50% of the trophies we knew we wanted to get all of them! It takes a lot to get the trophies since you have to fully upgrade different with every type of material as well as beat all bosses and obtain all spells/miracles. It took a long time to get through some of the levels but after learning from our mistakes and reading up on the different areas we got it down to a science. It took us 155+ hours to finally get that platinum but it was well worth it!

For anyone that's a hardcore fan of RPG's or is just looking for a game that truly challenges them, I would suggest picking up Demon's Souls. The servers are set to be shut down by October this year so if you're looking to play with someone, you need to act fast.